When preparing for a boat delivery OceanTrax has a comprehensive checklist to work through to minimise any problems which may occur when underway.
Below is an outline of the areas we look at and items we check.

Topsides are inspected for gel coat, paint damage and any stress fractures. Cosmetic damage is photographed and logged before the boat delivery commences.
All through-hole sea-cocks are checked to ensure they open and close and wooden bungs ready in case of failure. Bilges are checked for any sign of water ingress and stern glands/seals and rudder post inspected.
Keel bolts are checked for signs of corrosion.
All portholes, hatches, cockpit lockers are checked to ensure they are water tight and cockpit drains are clear allowing water to escape.
OCEANTRAX YACHT DELIVERY TIP When preparing for a boat delivery if the boat has been stationary for some time, it may be worth cleaning the hull below waterline. This will give better vessel speed and fuel consumption. GROUND TACKLE
Anchor and windlass are checked to make sure that they are operational and have sufficient chain and rode.
Shackles, fittings and the anchor are checked and made fully secure.
Failure of steering when out at sea can cause serious issues so before departure we check control cables, blocks, hydraulic lines and fluid level, hydraulic ram(s) for signs of leaking fluid, and all connections.
The Autohelm is checked and we ensure the emergency tiller or other arrangement is fully functional.
RIG Depending on the age, use of the yacht and the nature of the delivery it may be preferable to have the rig professionally inspected. OceanTrax will visually check:
Standing rigging for signs of fractures, excessive corrosion and that split pins are fitted. We will also check:
Mast fittings
Swaged terminals
Masthead fittings
Running rigging is checked for signs of chaffing, wear and that it functions correctly.
Furling systems are checked, blocks checked and winches serviced if required.
Sail stitching is inspected for signs of wear and chaffing, and reefing systems checked.
Our guide to rig checking can be found here.
MAIN ENGINE(S) Engines should be serviced at the manufacturer’s required intervals, however if the boat has been stationary for a long period, oil and filters should be replaced. When preparing for a boat delivery we will also check:
Fuel filters for signs of the dreaded Diesel Bug, read our guide on how to treat and avoid the diesel bug here.
Visually check for signs of fuel, oil or water leaks.
Engine mounts.
Belts for signs of wear.
Oil and coolant levels.
Raw water strainers for any blockage and adequate water flow.
Electrical connections for signs of corrosion and that batteries are charging correctly.
For any boat delivery, the vessel should carry a spare set of filters, belts and impeller to enable basic repairs. BILGES Bilges should be clean from debris that could block bilge pumps.
Manual and electric pumps are checked.
Float switches, non-return valves and alarms are checked.
We ensure buckets are available if needed. There is much truth to the saying “no pump can shift water faster than a frightened man with a bucket!”.
Batteries are checked to ensure they hold charge, are securely mounted and are in good condition.
We ensure the battery charging system is working.
Terminals are checked to ensure they are secure and free of corrosion
Electrolyte levels are checked (if needed).
We ensure battery isolators are fully functioning.
Breakers, emergency parallel switch(es) and meters are checked.
We ensure the 12V outlet is working.
Finally we check all navigation lights, deck lights and the compass light.
SAFETY EQUIPMENT Minimum requirement for any boat delivery includes:
A suitable serviced in-date life-raft.
A flare pack.
We also recommend when preparing for a boat delivery the vessel is equipped with:
A foghorn.
A fully stocked first-aid kit.
Man overboard equipment.
An in-date, correctly registered EPIRB and a fire extinguisher.
OCEANTRAX YACHT DELIVERY NOTE All our boat delivery crews will supply their own personal safety equipment such as lifejackets, harnesses etc. NAVIGATION & INSTRUMENTS
Chart plotters are checked for the correct detailed charts.
GPS fix is checked alongside a hand held unit.
Depth sounder is checked.
RADAR, AIS units (if fitted) are checked.
A VHF test is carried out with an OceanTrax hand held unit.
Gas system is checked for leaks and that the cylinders are full for the delivery.
Gas shut off is located and checked.
Fresh water system is checked and we ensure the tanks are filled.
Heads and toilets are checked and we ensure holding tanks are operational (if fitted).
We ensure an adequate supply of mooring lines, fenders and spare line in case of emergency.
We check that shore power is correctly functioning.
We ensure the fuel tanks are full and that the vessel carries a spare jerry can of fuel in case of contamination or emergency.
We ensure the ship’s registration, insurance and proof of VAT status are all on-board.
We make sure wooden edges are protected against damage and soft furnishings are protected.
TOOLS Although Oceantrax skippers carry a basic emergency tool kit, we recommend that all boats should carry a comprehensive on-board kit. Our skippers are unable to provide this as most boat deliveries involve a flight to or from the vessel and weight restrictions are prohibitive.
Owner & Manager of Oceantrax Yacht Deliveries
